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发布时间:2022-09-12 12:16 来源:家居风水

recent speech, Trump was obsessing about stopping China’s rise to becoming the largest economy rather than improving the US.


Americans, I guess, are just naturally destructive people.



There may be few Chinese brands you’re aware of, but I bet there are numerous Chinese-made products in the average household, especially critical components of electronics found in everything from throwaway flashlights to the latest iphone.


China has consistently delivered on-spec products at unbeatable prices and speed for decades. That is why she is the world’s factory—entirely on merit.


I once asked an industry veteran why businesses are unable to resist the allure of China. He explained it wasn’t a matter of choice. If his competitor moves his factories to China, he has to follow suit or risk irrelevance within a decade. In other words, business models are turbocharged with Chinese production. Unless you have a niche market with moats and high walls, you die.


All that talk about IP theft and forced tech transfers is way off base. The companies that went to China made decisions with their eyes wide open. They caught the prevailing wind which blew them into China’s embrace. In fact, many couldn’t wait to get in bed with the Chinese after catching wind of their competitors’ bottomline post-China.



Notice the elevated proportion of those 25–34? That translates into tens of millions jobs that won’t be filled by those coming after them (the 10–24).


China is facing a labor crunch in the coming decade. Thankfully, it is not a nightmare because China is now at $10,000 GDP per capita, firmly third world. Which means there are plenty of third world jobs in the economy. Like assembling iphones. Or making plastic flowers. What the demographics tell us is older factories making low-margin goods will find it difficult to replace labor in the tight market, and fade into obsolescence. Wages will rise, fueled by better qualified youth from improving education outcomes.


Demographics is destiny and it is the inevitable labor crunch that will bring about an end to cheap China. This is the real reason why the Chinese themselves are moving low margin production offshore. Trump’s trade war is merely a friendly shove towards an unavoidable future.


What is this MIC 2025? In short, it is a push towards self-sufficiency in these key sectors:


MIC 2025 seeks to raise the domestic content of core components and materials to 40 percent by 2020 and 70 percent by 2025.


Which is where the economy has to evolve anyway, due to the changing labor structure. MIC isn’t about Chinese brands taking over the world. Rather, it is about Chinese brands developing home-grown technology to compete more prominently in the domestic market. This is no different from any country. Toyota and Panasonic dominate the Japanese market, so does LG and Samsung in Korea and GM and Apple stateside.


There is nothing sinister about MIC 2025, except it will make Chinese brands more visible. Which cuts into the “easy money”—branding. That is why CSCEC isn’t attacked like Huawei. Expect ever wilder conspiracy theories about how evil Chinese are taking over the world by robbing and stealing everyone blind, as Chinese brands creep up the domestic, then global brand visibility index.


Good luck trying to stop MIC 2025, because seriously, other than illegal tariffs, America has not provided alternatives to MIC 2025.


The Chinese consumer will ask, do you have anything 90% as good but half the price?The answer is no, which answers the question too.


Nope, only China can derail their own Made in China 2025 plan. If US could derail anything China wish to accomplish, China would not have nuclear weapon, would not have men in space, and would not have achieved all the economic miracles of today.


In fact, the current trade war may cause China to realize American’s distrust and animosity, and push harder at the agenda, become more independent from America, and build more collaboration with the rest of world.


China’s domestic market has grown so big that they have the critical mass to support the development of advance technology. Take their railroad technology for example, because they have the mass demand domestically, they were able to rely on that internal demand to drive up their capability. Just like the railroad tech., initiatives in MiC2025, robotic, biotech, advance manufacturing, all can take advantage of the mass domestic market and advance without outside hindrance.


In addition to the domestic market, the one belt one road plus the maritime silk road initiative will build a global supply chain to create more demand for higher value added Chinese product and services.


The only thing I would suggest China do is to form partnerships with EU and Russia on this initiatives. Those developed countries are more advanced currently in those key high tech sectors, so there is definitely a fear that China will take over those markets. While China mature in those technology, they should build consortium with EU/Russian companies and share more business opportunities. When exporting those products and services to countries like Africa, SE Asia, S. America, invite partners in EU and Russia to build a more collaborative and win-win partnership instead of pure competition.


To be the leader of the pack, you cannot just hunt food for yourselves, you need to provide for and protect your tribe before anyone will respect you. So I hope China can grow, mature, and realize the importance of partnership and soft power, especially in Asia, Europe, Africa continent which can grow into a massive integrated and collaborative economy and set a foundation for a better, more peaceful world.








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